Hosting a Virtual Christmas Party is a great way to create some holiday fun and special memories when our family and friends are far away during the holidays. Try a virtual craft party, cookie decorating contest, tree trimming virtual party and much more!

Virtual Christmas Party group on computer

What is a virtual Christmas party?

A virtual Christmas Party is a celebration online and is usually held over video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Webex, and Google Meet. These parties give remote friends and family the chance to relax and reconnect during the Christmas season.

Why have a virtual party

Covid is a party pooper; however, that doesn’t mean you can’t have holiday parties. Hosting a Virtual Christmas Party is the perfect way to bring some holiday fun and cheer to all your friends and family.

Who should be at the party

A virtual Christmas party is a great way to reconnect with friends and family safely. Have several parties this year. Here are some virtual holiday party group ideas.

  • Have a cousins party for the kids
  • Adult holiday cocktail party
  • Family party
  • Kids Party
  • Tree trimming party with friends or family

How to host a virtual party

Invitations for the party

CREATE INVITATION: You can create adorable virtual Christmas party invitations using a free service such as Canva. Create your invitation online and print. You can also save your card as a JPG and email the invitations out if that is easier for you. Be sure and include a link to your virtual party, the time, dress code, or any items they might need to have with them for the party.

MAIL INVITATION:  Send Christmas invitations out at least three weeks before the party to make sure no one on your guest list gets double booked. Be sure and have an RSVP email or phone number included.

Gift exchange

A few weeks before the party, place everyone’s name in a basket. Meet virtually and have someone be in charge of pulling the names. Purchase and mail your holiday gifts to the name that was drawn for you. Then set up another virtual meeting and open your presents together.

Buy the gifts and mail them incognito, with no return address to give it away. Then during your virtual party, you can take turns opening your secret Santa gifts together.

White elephant gift exchange

Hosting a virtual white elephant exchange will be loads of run! The organizer will mail out the rules and budget to everyone. They will also include the link and time for the virtual holiday party.

Steal-friendly virtual white elephant:

  1. Set a budget
  2. Pick a date
  3. Instruct all participants to buy and wrap a fun present
  4. Gather together on a video call.
  5. Choose a picking order. You can use a generator like to determine the order or have one person draw for everyone.
  6. Gift givers will hold up all presents.
  7. Each participant picks a present. The gifter unwraps on camera.
  8. The next player takes a turn, either stealing the present or unwrapping a new present.
  9. The game continues until all presents are gone.
  10. Once the event concludes, gifters send presents to the rightful owners.

What to wear

Ask your friends and family to wear something festive. This might be an ugly Christmas sweater, festive holiday outfit, Christmas themed t-shirt, reindeer ears, festive jewelry, or even a Santa suit!

During the party take a vote and award prizes for best outfit. You can give awards in these categories:

  • Most festive
  • Funniest holiday outfit
  • Ugliest Christmas sweater

The party organizer can award a fun prize like Christmas socks by dropping them in the mail to the winners.

Tips for what to do at the party

Virtual Christmas Party christmas cookies

Send everyone an invite to the cookie decorating contest a few weeks before the event. Include a sugar cookie recipe that everyone must use to keep the playing field the same. Decide on some basic rules such as the cookie’s size, how many decorations a participant can use, and what kind. Have everyone make their basic cookie before the party. Include an invitation link to the virtual party.

On the day of the party, everyone should set up an area in their kitchen to decorate their cookies while on the call together. When everyone is done decorating, have a contest with prizes to be mailed to the winner. You can have the best-looking cookie, most festive, ugliest, best in the kid’s category, or best in adults. Be creative, and have fun together.

Music for the party

Have someone create a playlist on their favorite music app such as Spotify. Then have that person join the virtual party and play the music in the background. It might be easier if that person has the music going in one room on a device and use a laptop to join the party in a different room.

Virtual Christmas bingo

virtual christmas party bingo game

Have everyone print a bingo card. Choose one person to print the items list and be the caller. Divide into teams of 2 or three depending on the size of your virtual party.

As the items are called, either be the first to complete the action or fulfill the request if it applies to you. Place a peppermint or other item to cover the bingo square you win.

First team to get bingo horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins.

Christmas craft party

virtual christmas party man painting crafts

Have everyone go to one of these links and order a Christmas craft kit when your craft projects arrive, set a time for a virtual group call just before the call get your craft table all set up. Encourage everyone to have Christmas themed snacks ready to eat during the virtual craft party. Have one person play Christmas music in the background also.

After you are finished, slip a few of your projects in the mail to bless a shut-in or someone that could not be with you this holiday season.

Be sure and date your decorations before displaying them.

Virtual games

A trivia is a great option for any virtual holiday party. Participants can answer using chat or poll features. You could also incorporate the raised hand or ring the first bell to get to answer.

Virtual tree trimming party

virtual christmas party girl trimming a tree

Why not have a family tree trimming night virtually. We all have friends and family that we can’t be with this holiday season. A fun idea for safely spending time together is to set up your camera to show your whole tree while trimming.

Beforehand plan a menu of items such as hot cocoa, a family favorite cookie recipe, wassail, or other favorite snacks. Each family on the call will make the food before your virtual party starts. That way, you can enjoy the same snacks while trimming your tree together virtually.

Play some Christmas music while trimming your trees, and after you are finished, be sure and take a screenshot of y’all standing in front of your trees together.