Cajun Boiled Peanut Recipe

3 Ways To Cook Your Own

What kind of peanuts should be used?

To make boiled peanuts, you must use fresh raw or green peanuts. You can usually get these in the late summer months. Dried or roasted peanuts will not work.

Method #1 Instant Pot

Overnight method: Place dried chickpeas in a large pot and cover with water. Soak for 12 to 18 hours in a cool place.

Green Curved Line

Method #2

Crockpot 1. Add salt, vinegar, peanuts, and water into the Crockpot 2. Add seasoning, Stir 3. Cover and cook on LOW for 22 to 24 hours.

Green Curved Line

Method #3

Canned Boiled Peanuts is a great way to put up a bushel of boiled peanuts for a long winter.

Green Curved Line

How do you season boiled peanuts?

Many boiled peanut vendors offer either traditional salty, Cajun or Old Bay. You can infuse flavor in your boiled peanuts by adding seasonings, spices, and even aromatic vegetables like jalapeño peppers

How do you eat a boiled peanut?

Some people crack the soggy shells open with their hands. They're also people that pop the whole peanut in their mouth, crack it open with their teeth, extract the nut, and spit out the shell

Once you make your boiled peanuts why not use them to make boiled peanut hummus!